February 13, 2025


Award Winning Spa

Writer’s Block – Four Benefits of Using Yoga to Overcome Writer’s Block

As a writer, have you ever experienced writer’s block? Or lost the ability or desire to produce new work? Like most professions, there will be days, moments or even weeks, where you feel unable to sit down and write. Maybe you are going through a bad patch in your relationship, or recovering from a bout of flu; perhaps you are in serious debt and the associated stress and worry causes you sleepless nights so in the morning you are too tired to write.

Learning how to work with writer’s block, how to continue writing even though life gets in the way can make a big difference to your sense of worth as a writer. As a creative person, when you write you feel energised, alert, alive and in the flow. You are doing what fulfills you and everything else takes a back seat. When the energy is blocked, your creativity zapped and your mind full of other more worldly pursuits, your writing suffers and emotionally you feel stuck and in some cases, give up writing altogether.

Rather than go down that route, have you thought of using yoga as a way to help you overcome writers block? If you have never thought about this, here are four of the many benefits gained from using yoga to help you release your creativity and inspire you to write.

Four Benefits of Using Yoga to Overcome Writer’s Block

Yoga is a form of exercise which has become very popular in today’s health and wellness market. The practice of yoga has many health benefits and these include emotional, physical and psychological benefits.

1. Yoga strengthens your body and supports your desire to be healthy, vibrant and well.
As you practice yoga, your body gets stronger, toned, supple and you feel more agile, which means you are motivated to adopt regular healthy living habits. A strong, healthy body builds up your resistance and makes it easier for you to overcome stressful situations which may impact upon your ability to write.

2. Yoga encourages you to have me-time and nurture yourself.
If you lead a busy life, a weekly 60 – 90 minute yoga class offers you the ideal opportunity to switch off, relax and reconnect with your inner core. As you practice yoga you let go of tension and worries and leave your practice feeling nurtured and positive.

3. Yoga energises and motivates you when you feel tired.
The mixture of stretching, deep relaxation and breathing exercises, leave you feeling energized, alert and relaxed. If you have been writing for a few hours or have to fit writing in at unsocial hours e.g., late at night when your family is in bed, then a few yoga stretches will revitalize you.

4. Yoga encourages you to stay connected to your inner heart song and to listen and meet the needs of your soul. Meditation exercises help to calm and clear your mind and remove the incessant negative self-talk, which can block your creativity.

As you can see, the practice of yoga has many subtle benefits which you can use to help overcome writer’s block and keep you feeling healthy and well at the same time.