January 18, 2025


Award Winning Spa

How to Become a Nopalea Distributor or Nopalea Affiliate

Nopalea is a wellness drink that is fast becoming a household byword. The health benefits of this drink are now known far and wide with its positive reviews and testimonials. Napolea is made by TriVita – an established wellness company whose mission is to inspire people to experience good health and create wealth. With this mission, Sonora Bloom Nopalea created an opportunity for believers to share the wellness and build wealth. This is done by becoming a Nopalea Distributor. All you need to do is sign up and start building your customer base.

Here are 5 reasons why you should become a Nopalea distributor:

You are backed by a famous, established, and debt free wellness company. TriVita is a mission driven company that will support your efforts and help you succeed during these hard economic times.

You can spread the wellness. By being a Nopalea distributor, you have the opportunity to let everyone know about this great product that will give positive side effects on their body’s overall wellness. Your personal experience in drinking Nopalea will help you earn your client’s trust.

You can build your wealth. Whether you are working from home or working full time, you can earn cash fast and keep getting extra cash for the long term.

You can reach a wider customer base. With the multimedia cooperative marketing programs that TriVita has, you will have access to different advertising tools that have been proven to work. DVDs, brochures, display tools, and handouts are within reach for your disposal.

You can trust your leaders. Backed by professional experience from the executive team, you will be able to proudly represent your company. You will learn the secrets of their success and their health and wealth perspective.

Being a distributor has its benefits. You get free business resources, special discounts when you buy for your own wellness and the opportunity to have a business of your own making you the boss. With the cash you earn from being a wellness distributor, you get to earn extra and ultimately experience financial freedom.

A Nopalea affiliate also gives you the chance to earn in five easy ways.

Accelerator Weekly Bonus – you get a generous bonus for every member you get over your first 90 days.

Generous Commissions – A generous 21% commission will be given on all your members’ purchases of Sonora Bloom Nopalea. For each new member that your member signed up, you get 4% on the new member’s purchases too.

Growing Network – Depending on your monthly qualification, you can get as much as 3% on all purchases made by the members you personally acquired and if they can duplicate your efforts, you get 7% on up to 6 tiers of member’s purchases.

Director Earnings – when you become a director, you get to earn more from members in your entire line. 4% on purchases of personally acquired members and 2% of purchases up to the next three tiers.

Presidential Director – a generous 1% commission on all purchases in your organization plus up to four tiers of presidential directors.

As you can see becoming a Nopalea affiliate definitely has its perks. Now that is just a little bit about the program structuring, but what you should be more interested in is the demand for a product such as Nopalea and whether or not Nopalea actually provides value for it’s customers. The truth lies in its power to fight inflammation and this is where I have found most of my personal success. That is the great thing about marketing this popular drink, it has many different applications and uses for people. Its our job to relate to them.